
Cloud migration is a transformative journey that can unlock unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and efficiency for your organization. However, the process is fraught with challenges such as complex planning, application compatibility issues, and the need to minimize downtime, often leading to delays and disruptions.

Why Choose Amar Infotech?

As an AWS Premier Consulting Partner, Amar Infotech is committed to simplifying your cloud migration journey. Our team of experts thoroughly assesses your current architecture, designs a customized cloud migration strategy that ensures zero downtime, and executes the transition seamlessly to guarantee uninterrupted business continuity.

Our Proven 3-Step AWS Cloud Migration Process

  • Assess
  • We begin by evaluating your existing infrastructure to identify dependencies, potential risks, and performance benchmarks. This assessment helps in crafting a detailed migration roadmap that aligns with your business goals.

  • Mobilize
  • In this phase, we prepare your organization for the migration by setting up the required AWS environment, developing a comprehensive migration plan, and ensuring that all necessary resources and stakeholders are ready.

  • Migrate and Modernize
  • We execute the migration with precision, transferring your workloads to the AWS cloud with minimal disruption. Post-migration, we modernize your applications to leverage the full potential of AWS services, ensuring improved performance and cost efficiency.

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Comprehensive AWS Consulting Services

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AWS Cloud Consulting

AWS Cloud Consulting at Amar Infotech focuses on guiding organizations through their cloud journey with strategic insights and expert advice. Our certified AWS consultants work closely with you to understand your business objectives, current IT infrastructure, and future scalability needs. We provide comprehensive assessments, architecture reviews, and roadmap development tailored to optimize your AWS environment. Whether you’re considering migrating to AWS, optimizing existing deployments, or adopting new AWS services, our consultants ensure you maximize efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in alignment with your business goals.

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AWS Cloud Migration

AWS Cloud Migration services by Amar Infotech streamline the transition of your applications and data to the AWS cloud seamlessly. We begin with a thorough assessment of your current environment to identify dependencies, performance bottlenecks, and migration complexities. Our experts design and execute a meticulous migration plan, ensuring minimal downtime and data integrity throughout the process. We leverage AWS migration tools and best practices to safely move workloads to AWS, optimizing performance and cost-efficiency post-migration. Our goal is to empower your organization with the agility, scalability, and security offered by AWS cloud services.

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AWS Data Analytics

AWS Data Analytics services at Amar Infotech empower organizations to derive actionable insights from their data using AWS’s powerful analytics tools and services. We help you harness the full potential of your data through data lakes, data warehousing, real-time analytics, and machine learning. Our team designs and implements scalable architectures using AWS services like Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon Kinesis, ensuring your analytics infrastructure is robust and efficient. Whether you need to analyze streaming data, perform complex queries, or build predictive models, our AWS-certified data analysts and engineers deliver solutions that drive informed decision-making and business growth.

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AWS Machine Learning

AWS Machine Learning services enable organizations to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to drive innovation and efficiency. At Amar Infotech, we help you harness the power of AWS’s machine learning services such as Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Comprehend, and Amazon Rekognition to build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale. Our machine learning experts work with you to identify use cases, develop custom algorithms, and integrate machine learning into your applications and workflows. Whether you’re automating processes, improving customer experiences, or optimizing operations, our AWS machine learning solutions deliver tangible business outcomes.

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AWS Managed Services

AWS Managed Services offered by Amar Infotech provide organizations with comprehensive management of their AWS infrastructure and applications. We act as an extension of your IT team, handling routine tasks such as patch management, backup and recovery, security monitoring, and compliance management. Our certified AWS professionals ensure your environment operates efficiently and securely, allowing your internal teams to focus on strategic initiatives. With proactive monitoring, automation, and best practices implementation, we optimize performance, reduce operational overhead, and enhance the overall reliability of your AWS deployments.

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AWS Containerization

AWS Containerization services at Amar Infotech empower organizations to modernize application deployment and management using container technologies such as Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service). We help you containerize applications, manage container orchestration, and optimize performance and scalability. Our containerization experts design and implement scalable architectures that enable efficient resource utilization, streamline deployments, and enhance application portability across different environments. Whether you’re adopting microservices architecture or migrating monolithic applications, our AWS containerization solutions support agile development and deployment practices.

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AWS DevOps

AWS DevOps services by Amar Infotech integrate development and operations practices to accelerate software delivery, improve collaboration, and increase agility. We help you automate infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment using AWS services such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeDeploy. Our DevOps engineers implement continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes, ensuring faster time-to-market for your applications. By adopting DevOps best practices on AWS, we enable your teams to innovate rapidly, respond to market changes efficiently, and deliver superior user experiences.

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AWS IoT services enable organizations to securely connect and manage IoT devices, collect and analyze data, and implement IoT solutions at scale. At Amar Infotech, we help you leverage AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Greengrass, and AWS IoT Analytics to build and deploy IoT applications that drive operational efficiency and create new revenue opportunities. Our IoT architects design secure, scalable IoT architectures, integrate edge computing capabilities, and implement real-time data processing and analytics. Whether you’re in manufacturing, healthcare, or smart cities, our AWS IoT solutions support your digital transformation initiatives with reliable and scalable IoT infrastructure.

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AWS AI/GenAI and ML services at Amar Infotech harness artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform how organizations innovate and operate. We leverage AWS’s comprehensive suite of AI services, including Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition, to build intelligent applications that automate tasks, enhance customer interactions, and extract valuable insights from data. Our AI and ML experts collaborate with you to develop custom AI models, integrate AI into your existing applications, and deploy scalable solutions on AWS. Whether you’re enhancing customer service with chatbots or improving operational efficiency with predictive maintenance, our AWS AI/ML solutions drive measurable business outcomes.

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AWS Modernization

AWS Modernization services at Amar Infotech help organizations modernize legacy applications and infrastructure to fully leverage AWS’s cloud-native capabilities. We assess your current applications, identify areas for improvement, and design modernization strategies that align with your business goals. Our AWS-certified architects refactor, re-architect, or rebuild applications using AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon DynamoDB to improve scalability, performance, and cost efficiency. By modernizing your applications on AWS, we enable you to innovate faster, respond to market changes swiftly, and deliver superior user experiences.

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AWS Cloud Application Development

AWS Cloud Application Development services by Amar Infotech enable organizations to design, develop, and deploy cloud-native applications optimized for AWS. We leverage AWS services such as Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon S3 to build scalable, resilient, and cost-effective applications. Our AWS-certified developers follow agile methodologies to deliver applications that meet your unique business requirements, whether you’re building web applications, mobile backends, or enterprise solutions. With a focus on security, scalability, and performance, our AWS cloud application development services accelerate your time-to-market and support your growth objectives.

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AWS Cost Optimization

AWS Cost Optimization services at Amar Infotech help organizations maximize their AWS investments while minimizing unnecessary expenses. We perform comprehensive cost assessments, identify cost-saving opportunities, and implement strategies to optimize your AWS usage and infrastructure. Our AWS-certified consultants analyze your resource utilization, recommend Reserved Instances, leverage AWS cost management tools, and implement best practices to reduce operational costs without compromising performance or reliability. By optimizing your AWS spending, we ensure you achieve the best possible ROI from your cloud investments, enabling you to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on driving business innovation.

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