Comprehensive UAV Drone Fly Permission Platform Case Study


The advancement of drone technology has led to a significant increase in the number of UAVs operating in various airspaces. This growth presents several challenges in managing airspace efficiently, safely, and in compliance with diverse regulatory frameworks. The ALL ONE in the SkyShare initiative aimed to tackle these pressing issues by developing a comprehensive UAV flight permission platform.

The detailed challenges faced during this project included:

Regulatory Complexity

  • Diverse Regulations
  • Each country has its own set of aviation rules and regulations. UAV operators must navigate through this complex web of rules, which can vary significantly between regions and are often subject to frequent updates.

  • Compliance Management
  • Ensuring that UAV operations adhere to these diverse regulations is a daunting task, especially for operators who manage fleets across multiple countries.

Safety Compliance

  • Collision Avoidance
  • With the increasing number of UAVs sharing the airspace with manned aircraft, there is a heightened risk of collisions. Ensuring that UAVs operate in safe zones and avoid restricted areas is crucial.

  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Continuous monitoring of UAVs to ensure they remain within authorized airspaces and respond to dynamic changes, such as emergency no-fly zones.

Operational Efficiency

  • Lengthy Approval Processes
  • Traditional methods of obtaining flight permissions are often slow and cumbersome, leading to operational delays and increased costs.

  • Resource Management
  • Efficiently managing multiple UAVs, pilots, and flight plans to maximize productivity and minimize downtime.

Data Integration

  • Accurate Airspace Data
  • Integrating up-to-date and precise national airspace data into a single platform is challenging. Inaccurate or outdated information can lead to regulatory breaches and safety risks.

  • Dynamic Updates
  • Airspace conditions and regulations can change rapidly. Ensuring that the platform reflects these changes in real-time is essential for compliance and safety.

User Experience

  • Intuitive Interface
  • Designing a platform that is easy to use for both novice and experienced UAV operators. The interface must be intuitive, providing quick access to essential features without a steep learning curve.

  • Scalability
  • The platform must handle a growing number of users and UAVs without compromising on performance or user experience.

Key Challenge of the project were

  • Navigating Regulatory Complexity
  • The platform needed to accommodate a wide array of regulations from different countries and regions, ensuring that UAV operations are compliant everywhere.

  • Ensuring Safety Compliance
  • Implementing robust safety measures to prevent collisions and manage UAV movements within authorized airspaces, requiring real-time data processing and monitoring.

  • Improving Operational Efficiency
  • Reducing the time and effort required to obtain flight permissions, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of UAV operations.

  • Integrating Accurate Data
  • Incorporating precise and up-to-date national airspace data into the platform and ensuring that it dynamically updates in response to changes.

  • Enhancing User Experience
  • Creating an intuitive and scalable user interface that caters to the needs of various users, from hobbyists to professional UAV operators.

Product UI

SkyShare Product UI Design
SkyShare Product UI Design


The development of the UAV Flight Permission platform required a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise in aviation regulation, software development, and user experience design. The team consisted of:

  • Aviation Experts
  • To provide insights into regulatory requirements and safety standards.

  • Software Engineers
  • To build a robust and scalable platform.

  • UX/UI Designers
  • To create an intuitive interface for various user types.

  • Data Scientists
  • To ensure accurate integration of airspace data and analytics for operational insights.


To address these challenges, we have introduced a comprehensive software solution tailored for UAV operators and regulators.

Key features and functionalities include:

User Features

  • Customer Panel
  • A user-friendly interface allowing customers to manage their drones, pilots, and flight operations efficiently.

  • Signup/Login via App or Web
  • Secure user authentication through mobile apps or web browsers to access the platform’s features.

  • Add Drones/UAV Information
  • Enter detailed information about each UAV, including model, capabilities, and registration details.

  • Add Remote Pilot Information
  • Input and manage credentials and qualifications of remote pilots to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Regulatory Compliance Visualization
  • Operators can view regulatory zones (e.g., No Fly Zones, Restricted Areas, and Sensitive Areas) on a map for better planning and compliance.

  • Request Permission for Controlled Airspace
  • Submit requests for flight permissions in controlled airspace, including necessary details and intended flight paths.

  • Quick Approval System
  • Expedite approval processes for flight requests, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.

Admin Features

  • Add Your Country Air Space
  • Integrate national airspace data into the platform to ensure accurate and compliant UAV operations.

  • Setup Rules
  • Define operational rules and guidelines for UAV flights to ensure safety and compliance.

  • Setup Flight Information Region (FIR)
  • Clarify responsibilities and liabilities within the ‘U-Space’ airspace in a FIR where ANSPs (Air Navigation Service Providers) have full responsibility.

  • No Fly Zones / Restricted Areas
  • Administrators can establish and manage No Fly Zones, Restricted Areas, and other sensitive zones within the airspace.

Detailed Flight Restrictions and Zone Types

  • Restricted Zones (Red)
  • Areas where UAV operations are strictly prohibited unless special authorization is obtained.

  • Authorization Zones (Yellow)
  • Regions where flights require specific permissions from relevant authorities.

  • Enhanced Warning Zones (Green)
  • Zones where heightened caution is advised due to potential risks, though flights are generally allowed.

  • Warning Zones (Green or Not Shown on Map)
  • Areas where operators must be vigilant, typically due to temporary restrictions or advisory warnings.

Restricted Airspace Details

  • No-Drone Zones
  • Absolute prohibition of UAV operations due to safety, security, or environmental concerns.

  • Sensor-Restricted Areas
  • Locations where UAVs must disable certain sensors (e.g., cameras) to protect privacy or sensitive activities.

  • High-Security Zones
  • Prisons, embassies, and military installations where UAV operations are heavily restricted or banned.

  • Airports
  • Strict regulations and procedures for UAV operations near airports to prevent interference with manned aircraft.


The implementation of the ALL ONE in the SkyShare platform yielded significant benefits:

  • Enhanced Safety
  • Improved compliance with aviation safety standards, reducing the risk of UAV-related incidents.

  • Operational Efficiency
  • Streamlined processes for obtaining flight permissions, leading to reduced operational downtime.

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Simplified navigation through complex regulatory landscapes, ensuring adherence to local and international regulations.

  • User Satisfaction
  • Positive feedback from UAV operators due to the intuitive and user-friendly interface.

  • Data Accuracy
  • Successful integration of national airspace data, providing reliable information for UAV operations.

SkyShare - UAV Drone Service