Typo3 extension development is endless process if you want to add more and more feature in your website. Typo3 structure is fitted with Apache, PHP, MySQL, Front end and administrative area. Amar InfoTech Typo3 professional development team will help you to develop completely new Typo3 extension or upgrading or modification in existing extension.
TYPO3 is the leading Enterprise Open Source CMS having more than 5560 built-in extension available such as TER Update Check – Newer extension version finder, News, Template Auto-parser, New front end login box, German language pack, Page Template Selector, Template-based email form, Searchbox for Indexed Search Engine, Image Lightbox, TemplaVoila! – Popular typo3 template engine, Static Info Tables – API for countries, languages and currencies data .,Typo3 Quixplorer, RealURL: speaking paths for TYPO3 – Create SEO friendly URL, Qiktable Library, Newsletter Subscription Module, SmoothGallery for TYPO3, Address List, Static Methods for Extensions, Captcha Library, Meta tags, extended, MediaCategories, Mini news, Flash Video Player, Front End User Admin, Drop-Down Site Map, Extension Development Evaluator, Modern Guestbook / Commenting, Google Sitemap for Pages and Contents – XML site map generator , Front End User Registration. Amar InfoTech has hands-on experience while working with a similar extension like above.

The main advantage to use typo3 is that you can develop all business functions of medium to the large size of organization with a single framework. Our team has the experience to develop extension like News listing, document management, Multi-language support, multi-country, multi-domain, Ecommerce integration, event management, forum etc.
To get free consultation and project proposal regarding any Typo3 Extension development or upgradation requirements, contact us at info@amarinfotech.com.