
Microsoft Azure delivers scalable, on-demand processing power and a wide range of additional services to help customers achieve their goals. As a Microsoft Azure CSP (Cloud Solutions Provider), Amar Infotech assists customers in developing, planning, and implementing strategies to extend their infrastructure to Azure. Our dedicated team combines technological expertise, industry knowledge, business development, and program management skills to design tailored solutions that meet our customers’ needs.

We have a proven track record of guiding clients through application modernization and leveraging our cloud expertise to drive profitability. Our Azure migration strategies offer numerous benefits, including improved productivity, scalability, and security.

Amar Infotech’s end-to-end hybrid IT services begin with meticulous planning and migration, ensuring a clear understanding of what needs to be transferred and how best to execute the move. We then optimize applications for the cloud and provide ongoing support to manage the new environment, ensuring security and cost-efficiency. Our comprehensive approach includes planning, migration, and effective workload management.

Our Microsoft Azure Capabilities

  • Managed IT Services for Azure encompassing design, delivery, 24×7 support, and monitoring of computing, storage, and virtual network infrastructure.
  • Application services for Azure to build, modernize, transform, and migrate applications.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) for SAP on Azure, offering full-stack SAP resource management, simplified operational processes, and enterprise-grade reliability.
  • Analytics and AI platform services for fully integrated, industrial-strength analytics and artificial intelligence.

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Microsoft Azure Services

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Azure Consulting Services

Our Azure consulting services are designed to provide strategic guidance and expert advice to organizations looking to leverage Microsoft Azure effectively. Whether you are planning to migrate to Azure, optimize your existing Azure environment, or develop new solutions on Azure, our consultants work closely with you to understand your business objectives and tailor Azure strategies that align with your goals. With deep expertise in Azure architecture, deployment, and management, we ensure you derive maximum value from your Azure investments.

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Azure Development Services

Transform your business with our Azure development services, where we specialize in building cloud-native applications and solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform. Our team of developers excels in leveraging Azure services such as Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Azure SQL Database, and more to develop scalable, secure, and high-performance applications. From initial design to deployment and ongoing support, we empower businesses to innovate faster and achieve digital transformation with Azure.

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Azure Stack Services

Amar Infotech offers Azure Stack services to extend Azure services to your on-premises environment, providing consistency across hybrid cloud deployments. Azure Stack enables you to build and deploy applications consistently across Azure public cloud and your local data center, ensuring regulatory compliance, data sovereignty, and seamless integration with Azure services. Our experts assist in planning, deploying, and managing Azure Stack solutions tailored to your specific business needs, enabling you to harness the power of Azure wherever you need it.

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Azure Integration Services

Integrate your applications and systems seamlessly with Azure using our Azure integration services. Whether you need to connect on-premises applications with Azure services, integrate cloud applications, or implement hybrid integration solutions, we provide robust Azure integration solutions that streamline business processes and enhance operational efficiency. Our integration specialists leverage Azure Integration Services, Logic Apps, API Management, and Azure Service Bus to create scalable and reliable integration solutions that drive business agility and innovation.

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Azure Migration Service

Simplify your migration journey to Azure with our Azure migration services. We offer comprehensive migration assessments, planning, and execution services to migrate your workloads, applications, and data to Azure efficiently and securely. Whether you are migrating from on-premises environments, other cloud platforms, or upgrading from older Azure versions, our migration experts ensure a smooth transition, minimizing downtime and maximizing the benefits of Azure’s scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

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Azure Managed Services

Ensure the optimal performance and availability of your Azure environment with our Azure managed services. We provide proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support for your Azure infrastructure, including computing, storage, networking, and security services. Our certified Azure professionals deliver 24×7 monitoring and management, regular health checks, performance tuning, and security enhancements to keep your Azure environment secure, compliant, and performing at its best. Partner with us for peace of mind and focus on your core business while we manage your Azure environment effectively.

Customer Success Stories

The success of our customers speaks louder than our words