Here This paragraph depicts the Introduction to Agile Testing Responsibilities. Agile tester roles and responsibility are not only limited to testing. It covers more than testing. It involves working with a development field as well as closely working with the product owner. Qa role in agile methodology is not only testing it involves here below are listed, The role of a software tester in an agile environment or The Role of Testers in an Agile Environment.
1) Attend sprint-planning sessions
2) Attend daily stand-ups.
3) Don’t save all the testing for the end; test throughout the sprint.
4) Meet with developers for short hand-off demonstrations.
5) Attend sprint retrospectives
6) Document Test cases
Agile software testing is a method for Agile development life cycle it is an iterative development life cycle. The software that are made within 4 weeks are developed using Agile development model. In iterative model concept whole software is divided in the segment of increments so software should be modularize and have series of increments.
Basic Agile model:
Agile Driven Methodology are as described below:
1) Scrum
2) Crystal methodologies
3) Dynamic software Development method
4) Feature Driven Development
5) Extreme Programming (XP)
The Tester's Role in Agile model/The Role of QA in Agile:

Agile testing involves testing from a customer point of view and performed as early as possible. Agile Scrum is the most commonly used agile method. The role of a software tester in an Agile Scrum Process is not just testing the software and finding defects but extends to many other things. An agile software tester works with the development team, product owner and every part of the team to make the product on a fast pace.
What is Scrum?
SCRUM is an agile development method which concentrates specifically on how to manage tasks within a team-based development environment. Basically, Scrum is derived from an activity that occurs during a rugby match. Scrum believes in empowering the development team and advocates working in small teams (say- 7 to 9 members). It consists of three roles, and their responsibilities are explained as follows:
What is the role of a QA tester on a Scrum team?

Face - To – Face Communication:
Face to face discussion with the team is the most efficient way to communicate ideas to the time. A tester participates in Planning/ Release of the Sprint: The design meetings are held every time before the sprint planning is done. The testers can participate in this meeting and ask questions on the stories being discussed. The tester should make a model in his mind about how the system would look and work based on the discussions.
Capability to find ambiguity:
The tester would work collaboratively and productively with the product owner and the customer to form acceptance criteria. An agile tester would be able to describe the feature well. Before any user story is sent for development the tester and other team members would discuss the complete user story with the team member to find out what the customer wants.
Absolute Role:
The tester should have good interpersonal skills .Tester should have Technical skills apart from that he should have good communication skills to deliver the project to the client . This shows that the tester should have a broader range of functionality.
Technical Skills:
An agile tester understands the relevance of technical skills. He/She is always prepared to contribute to the technical discussions of the team. His contribution may extend up to code reviews, user stories grooming, requirements understanding. The Agile Software Tester would work with the developers when they are performing unit testing and share the perspective of testing from a tester point of view instead of developer point.
Agile testing involves automation at the time of unit testing and integration testing. For automation There are many tools available for automation which does not require prior training for language.
Exploratory Tester:
The skill of exploratory testing is a very useful and powerful method sometimes in the agile process. An exploratory tester can utilize his skills to perform testing avoiding risks and uncertainty in the product. The tester can get ideas from the initial design discussions and the meetings with the team to uncover the system and explore more in the system. Once the tester is able to find out the areas of ambiguity the tester can work more systematically and efficiently in the product. An agile tester should share their knowledge and information with the rest of the scrum team.
What are the various testing activity on scrum process
sprint meeting : Which Item should be picked from backlogs and estimated time for developing the component. It should also on the prioritizing the work.
Daily scrum : In daily scrum meeting tester should get the information about previously done tasks and also do plan for next task to deliver the developer.
Daily work : Tester should perform acceptance test ,system test and on the unit test and integration test tester should perform Automation test on the Daily work of the current sprint
In Review and Retrospection meeting
The tester needs to identify what went wrong and what went right in the current sprint
He needs to learn new lessons and best practices from the current sprint
The tester is encouraged to write new user stories that would help in testing and also user stories that would help the customer
The tester will discuss like if any user story was not covered in current sprint.
Any obstructions in the project will be put under consideration of Scrum Master.
What is the skill of tester in agile methodology?
The agile tester should have good communication with team members and ready to give feedback. Automation testing knowledge is must for Agile tester.
What are the testing activities followed in Product Development
Unit testing is performed by the developer, Integration testing is done by Tester almost automation testing is there for the product. Acceptance and System testing appeared, For Product alpha and beta testing also appeared.
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People also ask (FAQ):
Question: What is the difference between burn-up and burn-down chart ?
Answer: Burn-up and burn-down charts are used to keep track the progress of the project. Burn-up charts represent how much work has been completed in any project whereas Burn-down chart represents the remaining work in a project.
Question: Define the roles in Scrum ?
Answer:There are mainly three roles that a Scrum team have:
Project Owner – who has the responsibility of managing product backlog. Works with end users and customers and provide proper requirement to the team to build the proper product.
Scrum Master – who works with scrum team to make sure each sprint gets complete on time. Scrum master ensure proper work flow to the team.
Scrum Team – Each member in the team should be self-organized, dedicated and responsible for high quality of the work.
Question: What is Product Backlog & Sprint Backlog ?
Answer: Product backlog is maintained by the project owner which contains every feature and requirement of the product. Sprint backlog can be treated as a subset of product backlog which contains features and requirements related to that particular sprint only.
Question: Explain Velocity in Agile ?
Answer: Velocity is a metric that is calculated by addition of all efforts estimates associated with user stories completed in a iteration. It predicts how much work Agile can complete in a sprint and how much time will require to complete a project.
Question: Explain the difference between traditional Waterfall model and Agile testing ?
Answer: Agile testing is done parallel to the development activity whereas in the traditional waterfall model testing is done at the end of the development. As done in parallel, agile testing is done on small features whereas in the waterfall model testing is done on whole application.
Question: What is a test stub ?
Answer: A small code which mimics a specific component in the system and can replace it. Its output is same as the component it replaces.
Question: What is Test Driven Development (TDD) ?
Answer:It is Test-first development technique in which we add a test first before we write a complete production code. Next we run the test and based on the result refactor the code to fulfill the test requirement.
Question: How QA can add a value to an agile team ?
Answer: QA can provide a value addition by thinking differently about the various scenarios to test a story. They can provide quick feedback to the developers whether new functionality is working fine or not.
Question: What is Scrum ban ?
Answer: It is a software development model which is combination of scrum and kanban. Scrumban is considered for maintenance projects in which there are frequent changes or unexpected user stories. It can reduce the minimum completion time for user stories.
Question: What is Spike ?
Answer: There may be some technical issues or design problem in the project which needs to be resolved first. To provide the solution of these problem “Spikes” are created. Spikes are of two types- Functional and Technical.