What is IoT(Internet of Things)?
The trend of IoT 2022 is becoming an increasing advance growing topic. Simply IoT is a concept by connecting any device with an on or off switch to the Internet. It includes many things like home automation, industries, smartphones, wearables, machines almost anything else you can think of. For the Home Automation IoT is the promoter for them. IoT Solutions using home Automation system can help people to boost their daily routine.
Home Automation
What really would push someone to actually built a complete IoT-based home automation system? It is hard to say. Repeatedly, it is even more difficult to visualize the technology that is required to build a home automation platform. Home Automation is a process of managing home appliances using many control techniques where a single device is utilized to control many things of a home like switching on and off different appliances, monitoring temperature, fire alarms, TVs, garage doors, lights, washing machine etc.
After broad analysis, we are present here today's latest IoT Home Automation Projects. Let's see one by one!
1) Mark Zuckerberg's AI Personal Assistant Jarvis

Mark Zuckerberg induced Jarvis as his new AI Assistant from the comforts of his own home. Jarvis is a custom-made Artificial Intelligent assistant for Mark Zuckerberg’s family and can control almost everything as Home Automation System. Mark Zuckerberg having completed his personal challenge to build a Jarvis-style AI to run his home after years of codding. Check out video demonstration on Jarvis for see here full facebook video.
2) Zelda Ocarina Home Automation System

Zelda’s Home Automation System works on note recognition system. You can create your own custom notes using an instrument and can Unlocks/locks your home door, TV, Air Conditioner, Heater, pour water to plants, connect with Car, smartphones, and anything. Few modules need to connect with your home Appliances like Internet-connected RasPi and ESP8266 wifi modules. Make a note connect with appliances and see amazing thing can be done. You can get more information from this youtube video.
3) DIY Smart Washing Machine(MQTT, ESP8266)

The Device is used to control your washing machine using the simple smartphone app. This device is powerful IoT example where you can convert a cheap washing machine into a smart washing machine. On your smartphone you can see current state and start/stop washing machine remotely. The LEDs states are transmitted to the server and it can be remotely controlled using a simple smartphone app.
4) Retro MS-DOS Light Controller

Control your home with X10-PowerHouse Home Automation for IBM-PC MS-Dos. The first X-10 products hit stores in 1978 used as a Remote Control System for Lighting and Appliances for your house. It works with your IBM PC or Compatible computer to control Lights and appliances throughout your home.
Another powerful device of X-10-Powerhouse product is LAMP-Module LM465 for home security and comfort. Just Plug-It with the main controller of X10 and See the power of Home Automation.
5) TV Remote Home Automation Using Arduino

Arduino based Home Automation using TV Remote controller is a simple but amazing project so you can use your old TV remote to control appliances like TV, AC, etc. Few things need to connect like Arduino UNO, TSOP1738 Receiver, 4 – Channel Relay Board, and Remote Control and your own home automation device is ready.