The Brief
Custom Design Tool extension allows customers to design their selected customized product with different colors and giving nice graphics interface to product’s different areas.
Custom Design Tool has very attractive graphics and user interface which includes following features: – This tool is used to customize or design your website products with awesome effects like colors, graphics, texts, rotate, zoom-in ,zoom-out. – User can select their products from slider of this tool and can apply colors on selected product on different views like front, back etc. – After applying color on product user will redirect to graphics step of this tool from where user can browse images from Browse button and then can apply that image on that product on front and back area of product. – User can also apply different texts with different colors with different fonts to that product(that colors also can be managed from admin panel).
User can also give effects like zoom-in, zoom-out, rotate to that uploaded pictures from this step – After applying these type of effects user will be redirected to Quantity step of this tool where user will have to select quantities for this product – After choosing quantities user will be redirected to finalize step of this tool where user can see their product with applied changes from this tool – After reviewing product user will need to press ADD TO CART button to order this product – User can also view their ordered product from their Account Dashboard link named My Customized Products – From this tool Admin can see User’s Ordered product in Admin Sales/Orders area from where Admin will click on order and then customized product details will be displayed with that order. – Payment method for this tool is also customized, which is named as Custom design tool Payment Method – This Payment method will remain separate with default magento payment method that will not affect to default payment methods. Price: $199.00