Knowing how to transform to digital transformation trends is an essential requirement for the growth of any company and corporation. Most firms today have face difficulty because it’s no longer business as usual in any sector of the organization. The only persistent is change and digital interference is the usual. But it’s no wonder when you think about the advantages of digital transformation. The year 2017 It’s been an eventful year in Digital Transformation. We get a sense what’s ahead in the digital transformation-barring any unexpected disruptions, of course.

The trend of Industrial IoT 2022 impacts B2B markets and alters the way tool is designed and involve its environment. For the Business transformation and disruption, IoT is the promoter for them. IoT Solutions can help a Business person to improve their business. Actually, Location information associated with timestamps provide organizations the potential to know when and where an object is, or where it was before. It also creates trend mapping which can be used to enhance the processes.
Innovative IoT Solutions:
IoT Application Design and Development is considered as future trends for businesses lots of benefits for their users like it gave several new opportunities.
Bluetooth or location-based solutions open new doors for IT-based application development. Smart Home Automation, smart automobiles, smart healthcare, fitness apps, smart industries development are major areas where Bluetooth Low Energy gaining traction.
2) AI as the Digital Intelligence connecting Man with Machine

Artificial Intelligence is the important component of digital transformation. AI is what will really bring the Internet of Things(IoT) to life. It is already all around us, Adapt to many devices we used at work or in the home like Alexa, Apple Siri, and Netflix is one of the best examples of digital transformation.
In Future Artificial intelligence (AI) oriented machines will handle computers that can do things traditionally done by mankind. Its solutions can sense or recognize the world and Big data; understand the data collection, and act independently – all underpinned by the skill to learn and alter over time.
3) Blockchain and IoT

While most people outside the technical field are most familiar with the concept of Bitcoin, If you are intimate with blockchain technology, it may be because of Bitcoin, the main technology after Bitcoin and all digital currencies is blockchain. But When you talk about Blockchain there is a lot to talk. It can also be used for ambition like quick verification of network transactions without a rationalized authority.
The blockchain is mainly used to narrate a type of the distributed ledger structure and the consensus processes across the distributed environment. Different configurations of the blockchain use different mechanisms for achieving consensus. The Blockchain is ideal for Internet of Things(IoT); which can handle both managing and maintaining digital identities required with IoT.
4) Big Data Goes Cross-Enterprise/ Business Analytics

As Enterprises start their digital transformation journey, big data and analytics can play a key role in it being a success. Big data and analytics are subjects firmly implanted in our business communications. The amount of data we’re now generating is amazing.
Big data authorizes organizations to make meaningful, strategic adaptations that minimize costs and maximize results.
Some Enterprises have developed full-scale Big Data and analytics solutions, although most are starting to consider one or more of the areas like,
Mobile, Retail and Location Analytics
Social and Site Analytics
Big Data & Analytics Core Products and Services
Customer Experience Marketing and Sales Analytics
Business Process and Strategic Analytics
5) Importance of Customer Experience in Digital Transformation

It doesn’t matter what size Enterprise, company, or product—creating, allowing, and take care of a customer experience is what makes your firm Zero to Hero. Customer Experience is becoming a central pillar of Digital Transformation.
Everything you do in your business today, counting the way you direct the supply chain, should get back to the customer experience. Putting customers in the middle of the business is not natural and quite tough for most traditional businesses, but customer-centricity is what divides the winners from losers.
6) Seamless Collaborations for Enterprises

Digital transformation really comes with a lot of opportunities which increasing cooperation between enterprises. Instead of employees only working with partners of their current team, People can now take benefit of working and interacting with people from different teams and companies around the Earth. Collaboration is the main priority for many companies, and building borderless platforms helps that happen. Organizations can serve global audience directly without any issues around the world and provide them flexible infrastructures and operational services under the budget.

7) Future of work is all about Digital Transformation
The Fortune of Digital Transformation is all about intelligence. We are entering a new era in the battle for talented people where the real power is in Digital Technologies. Enterprises are challenging each other to get the best talents, but the real challenge is in how to get best employees occupy in the work that is best for them.